Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Contoh Asuhan Gizi CVA (Stroke) iskemik - SOAP

I.       Patofisiologi
Stroke iskemik merupakan stroke yang dikarenakan oleh penyempitan pembuluh darah ke otak sehingga suplai darah oksigen pada sebagian otak berkurang dan mengakibatkan sel-sel otak berhenti. Penyebab stroke iskemik yaitu adanya endapan kolesterol dan lemak yang menimbun, sehingga arteri pecah, dan terdapat gangguan pada suplai darah ke otak.

II.    Identitas pasien
Nama                           : Tn. A
Umur                           : 47 tahun
Jenis Kelamin              : Laki-laki
Pendidikan                  : SPG
Pekerjaan                     : Guru SD
Agama                         : Islam
Diagnosis MRS           : CVA (stroke) Iskemik
Diet RS                       : RG, RL

III.  Data Subyektif
a.       Riwayat Gizi
1.      Riwayat Gizi Sekarang
-          Nafsu makan baik
-          Mual ( - )
-          Muntah ( - )
-          Diet yang sedang dijalani RG, RL
-          Tidak mengkonsumsi makanan dari luar RS
-          Makanan RS selalu habis
2.      Riwayat Gizi Dahulu
-          Pasien mempunyai alergi makan udang
-          Pola makan:
·         Frekuensi makan 3x sehari
·         Komposisi karbohidrat cukup
-          Kebiasaan makan:
·         Konsumsi telur dan ayam 2x sehari
·         Sering mengonsumsi makanan yang digoreng dan sumber lemak
(contoh: gajih sapi, jeroan sapi, mentega, susu sapi segar)

b.      Riwayat Penyakit
1.      Riwayat Penyakit Sekarang
-          Tangan dan kaki sebelah kanan tidak bisa digerakkan setelah bangun tidur
-          Pasien di diagnose menderita CVA (stroke)
2.      Riwayat Penyakit Dahulu
-          Pasien menderita Hipertensi  2 tahun yang lalu
3.      Riwayat Penyakit Keluarga
-          Ibu pasien menderita Hipertensi

Selengkapnya disini

Monday, March 5, 2012

Don’t Let Your Activity Disrupted by CONSTIPATION !

Most people probably underestimate the constipation but if this continues then left on, this digestive disorders not only disrupt daily activities but also lead to more dangerous condition of gut cancer.

What is Constipation?
Constipation is an abnormality on digestive system where somebody has experienced excessive hardening stool so that is hard to be discarded and can causes great pain to the patient.
What causes Constipation ?
 About 80 % of people is estimated to experience Constipation. The most common primary causes of this disorder are lack of fiber and bad lifestyle. These causes make patient difficult to defecate. But there are other causes such as dehydration, stress due to work, body hormone effect, and lack of vitamin C
How to Cure Constipation?
The change of lifestyle will play a major role in solving on this digestive problem. Firstly, change the food pattern to be healthier that is by adding fiber rich foods in your daily menu and obey your mealtime. Then taking more exercise, massaging your stomach, drinking mineral water as much as possible, drinking prebiotic and probiotic drinks, or get used ourselves to defecate everyday by making defecation schedule called bowel training. Meanwhile, solving constipation  with a slightly forced way are by consuming laxatives, fecess suction with a special tool, and if it already severe is done surgery.
Who often experience of Constipation?
       Constipation is likely to occur on children because their digestive system is not perfect yet. And constipation can occur to adulthood because their digestive system has experienced function decline.
How to prevent Constipation?
Increasing a healthy lifestyle especially in terms of food is one way to reduce the risk of Constipation. We should consume more food which contains high fiber, drink more mineral waters and reduce the consumption of food which contains high in fats. Taking a regular exercise and not to delay defecate will help too.
What is The Effect of Constipation?
Besides experiencing in difficult to defecate, constipation patients are usually followed by a great pain on their stomach that causes patients feel anxious so that it will disrupt their activities. If this condition left in, it can cause a big problem. Besides their digestion will be broken, the gut cancer will very possible occur. Several studies have shown that patients with gut cancer are most often caused by constipation that is not treated due to lack of fiber consumption.
Some of Recommendet Diet :
You can find fibre all around you. Here are some fibre rich foods and some ideas on how to incorporate more fibre into your life.
Instead of
Try this
Chicken noodle soup (1 g)
Bean soup (6 g)
Baguette slice (1 g)
Whole-grain roll (2 g)
1 cup white rice (1 g)
1 cup brown rice (3 g)
1 cup apple juice (0g)
1 cup O.J., fresh with pulp (2 g)
1 ounce potato chips (1 g)
3 cups popcorn (3 g)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

BLOGGING ? starting over again from the new start

Siang semuanya, setelah lama merenung diri akhirnya hari ini aku putuskan untuk membuat blog baru. Sebenarnya sih sudah punya tapi sayangnya blog yang dulu aku buat karena untuk tugas komputer saja. sebenarnya bisa aja sih di-edit tapi aku sudah lupa apa namanya dan juga passwordnya(―_―) . hehe.
But the real reason why i have to start over again to blogging cause i have realised that blogging is the right way to make me different. kenapa ? dari dulu aku itu gak berbakat banget yang namanya nulis sesuatu seperti artikel atau apalah namanya yang mengarang-ngarang seperti mengarang indah waktu ujian aja aku susah kok. jadi waktu pengen nge-posting aku selalu bingung harus ngeposting apa ini. jadilah blog yang dulu itu vakum beberapa tahun sampai aku sendiri yang buat aja lupa nama blognya. mungkin sekarang udah dihapus kali ya. nah ! ya itulah ! udah bingung lagi mau ngomong apa @_@. so sementara ini dulu yang bisa saya post. sekian -,-